The Drug-Free All Stars of Angelina County, funded by a grant from TxDOT, are a group of high school seniors that serve as role models for the community by living an alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free life. For the November meeting, the Drug-Free All Stars visited with Judge Paul White, 159th District Court, and attended Drug Court. Judge White discussed the consequences of alcohol and drug misuse and the importance of treating addiction to reduce the rate of offenders returning to prison. Judge White explained the Drug Court process and shared the success rate of the Angelina County Drug Court program. Drug-Free All Stars observed participants who have made a commitment to their sobriety and heard firsthand how sobriety has changed their life. The Coalition, Inc. appreciates Judge White, Judge-Elect Kassaw and Drug Court for allowing the All Stars to visit and see the positive impact Drug Court has on our community.

Since 1988, The Coalition has focused on eliminating the use of harmful substances by affecting public policy, laws, attitudes and behaviors, all in an effort to foster healthy life-long choices for the local community. For more information about Drug-Free All Star program, contact Abby Baker at The Coalition at 936-634-9308.