The Drug-Free All Star program was created in 1993, just five years after The Coalition was founded, as a way for the youth of Angelina
County to showcase their choice to live a drug, alcohol and tobacco-free life. Since then, it has evolved into an incredible program for high school seniors that offers leadership development, media advocacy and community service. Past All Stars have gone on to become leaders within their community and many have returned to Angelina County to serve in various ways.
Since the program’s inception, The Coalition has trained nearly 1,700 Drug-Free All Stars to be drug-free leaders in the community. Although the direct effects of the All Star program may not be easily measurable, it’s clear that the Drug-Free All Stars have impacted Angelina County. Undoubtedly, the positive ripple effects are far and wide. To celebrate the program’s 30th anniversary, The Coalition is featuring former All Stars for Flashback Friday social media posts throughout 2023. Follow @TheCoalition936 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and commemorate the program by sharing the posts and tagging any former All Stars that you know.
Since 1988, The Coalition has focused on eliminating the use of harmful substances by affecting public policy, laws, attitudes and behaviors, all in an effort to foster healthy life-long choices for the local community. For more information about the Drug-Free All Star program, contact Sharon Kruk, Executive Director, at 936-634-9308.