Drug-Free All Stars are a select group of high school seniors who are alcohol, tobacco and drug free role models. All Stars are trained as community leaders and spend their senior year mentoring area youth and volunteering for community activities. For pictures of the current group of Drug-Free All Stars, please visit our News page.
Any high school junior can apply in the spring preceding their senior year. Applications are available at area schools, at The Coalition office and at the link below. The application must include the following: a completed application, two recommendations, a signed contract to remain alcohol, tobacco and drug free, and a photo. Applications are due by May 31.

Say What! stands for Students, Adults and Youth Working Hard Against Tobacco! and was created by Texas youth to connect everyone working towards reducing tobacco use throughout the Lone Star State. Youth leaders saw a need to unify tobacco prevention efforts statewide aimed at protecting Texans from the harmful effects of tobacco, which kills about 28,000 Texans each year!
The Say What! movement provides an statewide organization to connect, learn, share and inspire others to make a positive difference in their schools and communities. Many Say What! groups exist in junior high and high schools across East Texas. The groups team up on certain projects for events like the Great American Smoke Out (November), Texas Tobacco-Free Kids Day (March), Great American Spit Out (February), and World No Tobacco Day (May).
Some students are selected to travel over the summer to the statewide Say What! conference and learn leadership skills and how to take the tobacco-free lifestyle back to their schools. For more information about Say What! in East Texas, contact The Coalition, Inc. or follow “Say What Texas Forest Country” on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.